Friday, June 21, 2013

How To Be Slightly More Productive Than Yesterday

Kamina Kapow

We all have lazy days. The days where you stay slumped on your couch with remote in hand for the entire day. These days are needed to keep from burning out, or getting overwhelmed. But if your finding your distractions hard to pull away from, then you may need to give yourself a little push to get going.

I've found a few ways that I can make myself be productive. If only for awhile. Now, I'm not advocating a massive multitasking sessions where you do all the things. But doing a few of the following can slowly ease you into a rhythm that you're comfortable with.

+ Carve out a time to get your shit done.
I hate schedules. Blog posting schedules. Class schedules. Appointment schedules. It takes away the surprise. The art of going with the flow. But when the flow is constantly going towards social media sites, the flow must be stopped.

+ Organize your work space before hand. 
That way, you won't be tempted to when you're supposed to be working. Plus, a clean and calm area will, hopefully, keep your mind calmer.

+ Turn off your internet. 
Even if you need it for research, open the pages you need, then turn. it. off. Less temptation.

+ Set a timer to 20 minute intervals.
Also known as the pomodoro technique. For 20 minutes you work. For 5-10 minutes, you spin in your desk chair and wonder what you're doing with your life. Then, you get back to work for 20.

+ Have a muse or imaginary friend give you pep talks along the way.
Or, if you're masochistic, have your future self yelling military-esq commands at you. Which is what I do. But maybe you have someone famous, or someone you look up to. Think of what they would do in such a situation, or some inspirational words of wisdom they would say. Regardless, they probably wouldn't be staring blankly at the wall.

+ If you have an idea for something, act on it then.
If you write your ideas down for later, you will probably loose the initial excitement and oomph for them. Thus, you put them off and put them off. Suddenly it doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore. So work on your brilliant idea as soon as possible, to avoid all the avoidance.

There we go, how to be slightly more productive. Please let me know if any of the above worked for you. Also, what are your typical distractions and how do you deal with them? (Other than giving in.)

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